I didn't post on Easter because I was at church and with my family and then there was an earthquake and there just wasn't time.
Alleluia! Christ is risen!
It's a good day. And what was good about this weekend was that I was at church three days in a row. I don't think I've ever been to church three days in a row. We added a Saturday vigil to our Easter weekend services. I liked it. It was super Lutheran, in that we didn't vigil until sunrise, just for about a half hour. And then it was Easter! Hahaha Lutherans are the best.
The best part? I got to sing! Oh, it was so glorious. The first song I sang in worship of my Lord was "Jesus Christ is Risen Today," which is a pretty standard Easter hymn, and definitely a good one to start with. I was so happy. It's funny, because I'm now in the habit of not singing worship songs, so I'm going to have to remind myself that it's okay to join in at common ground this week. Hahaha what an experiment. I'm giving the devotion this week, so I'll put that up here once I've given it, rather than try to explain the whole Lenten worship-song-free experience in a few words.
Easter is the best. I always feel like Christmas is the best, because we have like happy months of celebration, and Easter has this super downer month that precedes it, and then it's back to school 24 hours later. But it's nice to take a second from the craziness that is the knowledge of the next 39 days and just remember that Christ is risen. It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life.
I've never associated Easter with "Feelin' Good" before. I just sort of wrote that, and then realized that someone had said those words before me. They're super relevant, though! Since it's Easter, it's time to start fresh. Sure, it's the middle of the calendar year. It's the home stretch of the school year. But starting with Easter it's a changed Christ and a changed Christian. So I've decided to get it together and carry out the next few weeks with renewed strength, energy, fervor, and love. I'm going to power through, knowing that Christ is by my side. Let's do this.
We are the Easter people, after all!
Alleluia! Christ is risen!
It's a good day. And what was good about this weekend was that I was at church three days in a row. I don't think I've ever been to church three days in a row. We added a Saturday vigil to our Easter weekend services. I liked it. It was super Lutheran, in that we didn't vigil until sunrise, just for about a half hour. And then it was Easter! Hahaha Lutherans are the best.
The best part? I got to sing! Oh, it was so glorious. The first song I sang in worship of my Lord was "Jesus Christ is Risen Today," which is a pretty standard Easter hymn, and definitely a good one to start with. I was so happy. It's funny, because I'm now in the habit of not singing worship songs, so I'm going to have to remind myself that it's okay to join in at common ground this week. Hahaha what an experiment. I'm giving the devotion this week, so I'll put that up here once I've given it, rather than try to explain the whole Lenten worship-song-free experience in a few words.
Easter is the best. I always feel like Christmas is the best, because we have like happy months of celebration, and Easter has this super downer month that precedes it, and then it's back to school 24 hours later. But it's nice to take a second from the craziness that is the knowledge of the next 39 days and just remember that Christ is risen. It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life.
I've never associated Easter with "Feelin' Good" before. I just sort of wrote that, and then realized that someone had said those words before me. They're super relevant, though! Since it's Easter, it's time to start fresh. Sure, it's the middle of the calendar year. It's the home stretch of the school year. But starting with Easter it's a changed Christ and a changed Christian. So I've decided to get it together and carry out the next few weeks with renewed strength, energy, fervor, and love. I'm going to power through, knowing that Christ is by my side. Let's do this.
We are the Easter people, after all!